Q: Why couldn't anyone play cards on the ark?
A: Because the animals were on the deck.
Q: Where was Solomon's temple located?
A: On the side of his head.
Q: Which old testament character was know for having a foul mouth at a young age?
A: Job - He cursed the day he was born. (Job 3:1)
Q: Where is baseball mentioned in the bible?
A:- In the big inning (Genesis 1:1)
- Genesis 3:6- Eve stole first and Adam stole second
- Rebekah went to the well with a "pitcher"
- Exodus 4:4 "And he put out his hand, and caught it"
- Numbers 11:32 "Ten homers"
- Proverbs 18:10 "The righteous run into it, and is safe
- Ezekiel 36:12 "Yea, I will cause men to walk"
Q: Who was the shortest man in the Bible?
A: (Some think it was Zacheus, some Nehemiah (Knee-high Miah,
Others thinks it was Bildad the Shuhite (shoe hight), but in fact,
It was Peter - he slept on his watch!
Q: Why did Moses cross the red sea?
A: To get to the other side - weren't you tired of all those 'Why did
the chicken cross the road' jokes?
Q: What man is known for having killed 1/4 of the world's population
in one day?
A: Cain when he killed Abel.
Q: How long did Cain hate his brother
A: As long as he was able (Abel)
Q: Where does it talk about Honda cars in the Bible?
A: In Acts 1:14_"These all continued with one accord"
Q: In what place in the world did the cock crow when all the world
heard him?
A: On Noah's ark
Q: What were the Phoenicians famous for?
A: Blinds
Q: Why was Moses the most wicked man in the Bible?
A: Because he broke the Ten Commandments all at once. (Exodus 32:19)
Q: At what time of the day was Adam created?
A: A little before Eve.
Q: What man in the Bible had no parents?
A: Joshua, the son of Nun.
Q: Who was the most popular actor in the Bible?
A: Samson. He brought the house down
Q: If Moses were alive today, why would he be considered a remarkable man?
A: Because he would be several thousand years old.
Q: Why was job always cold in bed?
A: Because he had such miserable comforters
Q: Who was the straightest man in the Bible?
A: Joseph - Pharoah made a ruler out of him.
Q: If Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible (969 years old), why
did he die before his father?
A: His father is Enoch. Enoch never died, God took him.
Q: How can we assume that the woman at the well was overweight?
A: The passage says that she was a woman of "some area" (Samaria)
Q: Were Joseph's parents cannibals?
A: I don't know... but they did call their daughter Dinah.